Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween - Wrap-Up

Gabriel dressed as a wizard this year for Halloween.
Here he is protecting the kingdom from evil with his magical staff.

The front yard was decorated and our giant skull filled with goodie bags for all the trick or treaters we hoped would come by.

Trick Or Treating didn’t start in earnest until about 7:30 PM and ended at about 9:30 PM. We had a pretty good turn out. Guessing from the treat bags we had left over at the end of the night approximately sixty kids came by the house.

We went up and down the streets in the neighborhood and Gabriel had fun collecting a huge amount of candy Trick Or Treating.

Season also took Gabriel down to the community center to attend a Halloween Carnival. They had games and were giving away candy and prizes. Gabriel won a German chocolate cake in the cake walk, but didn’t take a prize in the costume contest. A Rubix Cube won.

I also didn’t win any prizes for the costume contest at my work.

Instead of my awesome costume these others were picked...

This guy won "Most Creative Costume". First, it's a pre-packaged costume. How is that even remotely creative? Secondly, this costume has to be among the top ten racist costumes sold. I think the HR representative must have missed a few of her own sensitivity courses letting that costume win anything other than an e-mail asking him to change clothes and leave for the rest of the day.

This was the winner of the "Spookiest Costume" prize. She should have been awarded the creative prize. At least she made an effort and created her own costume. Spooky though? She looks like a goth girl who had an accident with a cotton candy machine.

The "Best Costume" prize went to this guy dressed as V from V For Vendetta. Another pre-packaged outfit consisting of black wig, gloves, shirt, pants, boots, cloak, a Guy Fawkes mask and fake knifes. That’s the best costume? Seriously? A character from a 2005 movie dressed all in black. Who the heck was judging this thing?

I put together my own costume. I had a real sword!

It's cause I'm a virtual employee right?

You didn't want to pay the postage to mail me my prize.

Fine, Happy Halloween! You bunch of ding-dongs!


Blogger The Unbearable Banishment said...

All of the trick-or-treating in New Jersey took place during daylight hours! What a gyp! The curfew was 7:00 p.m.! When I was a kid, etc., etc.

The pic of the “Most Creative” costume is cringe-worthy.

I saw V for Vendetta in London when it was released. Terrible film. Because of the terrible exchange rate, I ended up paying $24 to see it. Now I’m the one who has a vendetta! Ironically, TOMORROW is Guy Fawkes day!

4/11/08 07:39  
Blogger Liöüx said...

Ummm. WHAT?!

Seriously...I put more thought and creativity into my Sister Kisser®™©™ stage wear than these Pre-Packagers.

You were ROBBED!!!

4/11/08 09:58  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a rip-off! Your costume was a million times better than any of those.

What’s the deal with allowing someone to come dressed as a racial stereo-type carrying bottles of alcohol a work related function?!?!?

Anyway, glad to see Gabriel had fun on Halloween.

Talk to you soon my brother.

4/11/08 10:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gabriel’s costume was great. Love the picture of him in front of the castle.

V For Vendetta was the best costume? Are you kidding me? That’s not even relevant anymore. It’s an almost four year old movie. If that’s what they arwarded the prizes to there must have been some really terrible costumes.

Unbearable nailed it, that most creative costume is cringe worthy indeed. Your costume should have taken most creative award.

Better luck next year!

4/11/08 11:03  
Blogger Big Daddy said...

'goth girl who had an accident with a cotton candy machine'

Ha ha.

Funny 'coz it's true.

[Word verification: holast - 'ho last'. Ha.]

4/11/08 18:07  

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