Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Soldier's Message To The Democratic Party Leadership

Cpl. Chris Mason was a member of the 82nd Airborne Division.

He produced this video on November 12th 2006 at FOB Summerall.

He recorded this video message for the Democratic Party Leadership before he was killed in action in Iraq on November 28th, 2006 by an Al Qaeda terrorist. He was laid to rest December 12th 2006, exactly thirty days after making this video.

The video just recently worked its way to his father on March 23rd 2007 and he posted it on the internet for him. It reflects his beliefs about the war in Iraq, the people of Iraq, freedom, why he joined the US military, what he expected after joining the military, and if the warriors lost in the war will be lives wasted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although it is terrible he passed away, I am happy that his family has this video to look back on and know he was okay with where he was and he was fighting for a purpose. He sounds like a wonderful man. We need more like him in our military.

1/4/07 18:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a grateful American - Thank you, Chris Mason.

2/4/07 11:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cpl. Mason, Thank you for your service and the ultimate sacrifice you made in the name of freedom. My deepest sympathies to your family and circle of friends.

2/4/07 12:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless you, CPL Mason, and your family. Thank you for your service and ultimate sacrifice. Salute! Alberto and I were both once assigned to the illustrious 82nd Airborne. I hope that post doesn’t hold any foreshadowing for me. My name is also Mason and I am to be redeployed back into the fray here soon. It’s hard to imagine an audience less receptive to it than the Democratic Party, but I hope his message does get through.

2/4/07 13:05  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, that was inspirational. Another brother from the 82nd has to set people straight. It's a shame to have lost a real man like this brave solider, but his words will carry on. He did not die in vain, as long as there are those who will remember him and stand up for his principles. God bless your family and may they be comforted by your courage and God’s Spirit.

2/4/07 13:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pelosi and her ilk are not fit to clean this man’s boots.
We that know and love out country salute him and honor his sacrifice.

2/4/07 15:50  
Blogger Tracy said...

WOW ! Thanks for sharing. It is truly inspiring to see someone so passionate about America and what it stands for and how important his role is in the history of freedom. A tragic loss. I wish LOTS of people could see this.

3/4/07 10:19  

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