Sunday, August 06, 2006

Caption This...

It's "Caption This" Sunday again!

OK, it's said that a picture is worth a thousand words.

Test your wit and come up with a funny caption for this photo.

Here are a few to get you started...

  1. A hunka hunka burnin' love?
  2. Nope, sorry my expert opinion, you are not hung like a horse.
  3. Here Elvis records the first take of "Heartbreak Corral" later changed to "Heartbreak Hotel"...for obvious reasons.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen, Elvis has left the farmhouse.

7/8/06 05:37  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whaddya mean, we'd look like twins if the horse was wearing red briefs and I stood over at the other end?

7/8/06 19:38  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ed never trusted humans again, though he did wonder if more of them kept carrots in their pants.

7/8/06 19:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Horse: "Sir, usually there are children at these parties."

Fat Elvis: "What do you think I am, some kind of sicko?"

7/8/06 19:51  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the heck is that picture about??? LOL!

7/8/06 21:09  
Blogger Isabel said...

That is just gross. Ewww.

7/8/06 23:29  
Blogger Tracy said...

I agree.....ewwwwww.

8/8/06 10:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alberto, you are crazy!

8/8/06 19:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Notice the crime scene tape on the tree?)

This Elvis private investigator tends to let his committment to the case get a little out of control!

2/9/06 21:08  

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