Caption This...
OK, it's said that a picture is worth a thousand words.
Test your wit and come up with a funny caption for this photo.
Test your wit and come up with a funny caption for this photo.
Here are a few to get you started...
- I've asked you five times...What time does the bus come by here?!?!?
- In the sea a city was written? Come on man, what does that even mean?!?!?
- Those are some really nice bronze shoes you got there...
So, do you come here often?
Did you just fart? I smell somethin'!
I know you are a quiet chap, but I swear you to just listen...I was Flint's first mate that voyage...three days east of Tortuga, in the Caribe. Flint knew an island. That's where we buried the treasure. Will ye help me recover it?
"Yo man, you've had that remote all day, hand it over."
Me, I've been out in the sun all day and look at my skin, but you, your all "bronzed".
Man, I crack myself up.
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