Caption This...
OK, it's said that a picture is worth a thousand words.
Test your wit and come up with a funny caption for this photo.
Here are a few to get you started...
- The slogan is supposed to be "Blue Sky Aviation, fly with pride", not fly with THE Pride!
- Ladies and gentleman, boarding for the flight to Mozambique will be slightly delayed...
- We've got to stop serving gazelle as the in-flight meal...
I told you not too park so far away from the airport!
The 21st Century Noah loads his animals in the airplane and takes them to the yacht moored in the ocean.
A passing tiger cub (out of frame) asks his dad why they can't afford a nice plane like the neighbor lions.
Did they EAT airport security or ARE they airport security?
Mufasa and entourage prepare to fly back to Pride Rock after a day of promoting his new book titled: "Thorn In My Paw, Disney Used Me".
A hungry lion was roaming through the jungle looking for something to eat. He came across two men. One was sitting under a tree and reading a book and the other was typing away on his laptop.
The lion quickly pounced on the man reading the book and devoured him.
Even the king of the jungle knows that readers digest and writers cramp. :)
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie barely get on board the last flight out of Namibia alive!
I'm not telling them they need a boarding pass! You tell them!
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