Monday, March 05, 2007

The Worst Principal Ever Award...

And the Award goes to:

Principal John Acerra - Nitschmann Middle School in Bethlehem, PA.
The fifty year old man was found in his school office naked and watching gay porn with sex toys at the ready.
Bizarre, well hold gets worse...
The reason they caught him in this compromising position (literally) is because he had agreed to sell meth to a police informant and they raided his office "minutes later". He was selling crystal meth out of his school office! Naked. With gay porn and dildos...
Principal John Acerra walked the hallways at Nitschmann Middle School joking with students or calling them by their nicknames, he appeared to be the coolest principal in the Bethlehem Area School District.
Clad in a smartly tailored suit and black turtleneck sweater, he exhibited a warm, funny demeanor and was more likely to give a lesson than a punishment to a student who had gotten into trouble.
His bosses considered him visionary, students saw him as a friend, and parents could tell he cared about their children.
Police said there was no proof that Acerra was selling drugs to students, and an informant said he sold to them from his school office on weekends and after school hours sometimes."
This is what really bothered me about the story: "people who worked with him, including some of his friends, weren't surprised that the kind, free spirit they knew was arrested Tuesday night in his school office on charges of selling crystal methamphetamine to a police informant, said Karen Dolan, a district teacher who spent 11 years at Nitschmann.
Over the past five years, the times he arrived hours late for school, missed school altogether, kept himself hidden behind the frequently locked office door or showed up at school activities dressed like a teenager all pointed to a life in free-fall, said Dolan, who is also a Bethlehem councilwoman.
So why didn't anyone say or do anything? This wasn't the janitor of the was the principal in charge of hundreds of children...
I believe anyone working with children the school boards need to incorporate mandatory psychological evaluations in addition to the criminal and child abuse background checks...
If anything seems wrong...then we'll just turn them over to my homeboy for interrogation...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A definate check for being Bi-Polar or whatever the PC friggin' term is for it these days is in order because it seems to be the stock defense used by pervert teachers.

A person with a mental disability for example: Bi-Polar/Manic Depressive Disorder should not be teaching or around children.

I also believe there should be frequent drug tests for teachers.

14/3/07 17:19  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a freak! I agree, people that are going to be working with or around children need to be srutinized to make sure nothing like this happens again.

14/3/07 21:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is one messed up principal...

15/3/07 09:17  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack Bauer wouldn't even dirty his teeth to rip out the jugular vein of this creep.

15/3/07 11:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you, other people knew something was up and didn't say anything? That's messed up. Hopefully, as a principal, he didn't interact as much a teacher would with the children.

16/3/07 10:32  

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